Playlist info for: 'Pete', 07-12-2009, on wtul

Playlist for Pete, 07-12-2009 @ wtul at radioactivity.fm

DJ name: Pete
Last seen: Jul. 05, 2019 @ 7:01 pm
DJ Playlists: Click for this DJ's playlists
Time Title Artist Album Label Genre
12:04am let them beautify you the bevis fron valedictory songs rubric records Prog
12:08am the bears are coming late of the pier fantasy black channel astralwerks Prog
12:11am thunder island pomegranates everything is alive lujo records Prog
12:15am rise azure ray azure ray warm Prog
12:20am pablo picasso modern lovers modern lovers rhino Alt Oldie
12:24am approach the throne clues clues constellation Prog
12:27am black hole glasgow! on earth s/r Local
12:32am let it roll willard grant conspiracy let it roll dahlia records Prog
12:44am clean white bed smoke another reason to fast smoke this music Prog
12:50am fantasies of the orient extra golden thank you very quickly thrill jockey World
12:55am goodnight ladies lou reed transformer rca Prog

Playlist Artists:
 azure ray
 extra golden
 late of the pier
 lou reed
 modern lovers
 the bevis fron
 willard grant conspiracy

Playlist Labels:
 dahlia records
 lujo records
 rubric records
 smoke this music
 thrill jockey