Playlist info for: 'loran rude', 09-01-2014, on wtul

Playlist for loran rude, 09-01-2014 @ wtul at radioactivity.fm

DJ name: loran rude
Last seen: Jan. 12, 2015 @ 2:59 pm
DJ Playlists: Click for this DJ's playlists
Time Title Artist Album Label Genre
02:05pm bellbottoms jon spencer blues explosion orange hut Prog
02:05pm love em and leave em the coathangers suck my shirt robs house Punk
02:08pm never really (saw me comin) the peoples temple sons of stone hozac Prog
02:11pm blood bubbles the orwells disgraceland canvasback Prog
02:15pm st johns wart pity sex feast of love run for cover Prog
02:18pm same old 76 the normals vacation to nowhere no=fi Local
02:20pm naomi neutral millk hotel on avery island merge Alt Oldie
02:26pm i dont mind Buzzcocks manchester 1978 live c/z Local
02:27pm other side gross ghost public housing odessa Prog
02:32pm summer of 79 spiderbags frozen letter merge Prog
02:35pm bye bye roxie nobunny nobunny red lounge Prog
02:38pm crytag like like the the death cave jenny latest flame Prog
02:43pm brainded warrior zig zags zig zag in the red Punk
02:45pm past tense future perfect small bones small bones s/r Local
02:47pm shattered circle ex cult midnight passenger goner Prog
02:50pm east end hollows braid no coast topshelf Prog
02:53pm heart felt toys the lost sounds black wave in the red Prog
03:00pm when you cut moon duo circles soulterrain Prog
03:02pm never understand jesus and mary chain peel sessions blanco y negro records Alt Oldie
03:05pm roman fever survival knife loose power glacial pace Prog
03:11pm fall in cloud nothings attack on memory carpark Prog
03:14pm food sickles girls the mummies death by unga bunga hangman Prog
03:17pm black and white parquet courts sunbathing animal whats your rapture Prog
03:19pm good punk party of helicopters please believe it ape Punk
03:25pm a sleepers union les savy fav emor is rome backwards southern records Prog
03:32pm a darker place koffin kats inhumane hairball 8 Prog
03:35pm warm change fucked up glass boys matador Prog
03:39pm 222 kid congo and the pink monkey birds haunted head scion Prog
03:41pm five colors blind tv ghost disconnect in the red Prog
03:45pm stroussburg the rakes capture/release v2
03:48pm blockhead dance xrated new wave italiana spittle Prog
03:49pm ford mustang mike patton serge gainsburg tribute Prog
03:52pm bring the spits the spits III slovenly Punk

Playlist Artists:
 cloud nothings
 ex cult
 fucked up
 gross ghost
 jesus and mary chain
 jon spencer blues explosion
 kid congo and the pink monkey birds
 koffin kats
 les savy fav
 like like the the death
 mike patton
 moon duo
 neutral millk hotel
 parquet courts
 party of helicopters
 pity sex
 small bones
 survival knife
 the coathangers
 the lost sounds
 the mummies
 the normals
 the orwells
 the peoples temple
 the rakes
 the spits
 tv ghost
 zig zags

Playlist Labels:
 blanco y negro records
 glacial pace
 hairball 8
 in the red
 latest flame
 red lounge
 robs house
 run for cover
 southern records
 whats your rapture