Playlist info for: 'Hunter', 10-03-2016, on wtul

Playlist for Hunter, 10-03-2016 @ wtul at radioactivity.fm

DJ name: Hunter
Last seen: Jul. 16, 2019 @ 1:21 pm
DJ Playlists: Click for this DJ's playlists
Time Title Artist Album Label Genre
04:06pm mc4 surf fantastic 3 surfing with friends self-released Prog
04:07pm Chaparral The Belmont Playboys Hot Rod Heart deep south Prog
04:09pm zapatos sucios Surfin' Trash Hero y los Sick Doctors Apotesis Idiota self-released Prog
04:12pm sherele meshugga beach party 20 songs of the chosen surfers self-released Prog
04:17pm Baia mickey baker 45 atlantic Prog
04:17pm Midnight Run The Omegas 45 groove Prog
04:23pm Bonneville The Mark 4's 45 Bonus Prog
04:23pm Scratch the camelots 45 comet Prog
04:24pm desert caravan the starfires 45 college Prog
04:25pm Nightmare The Crescent Six 45 Rust Prog
04:28pm Beach Bash calvin cool and the surf-knobs The Surfer's Beat crc charter Prog
04:34pm Shadow of the Sphinx big surf probability wave self-released Prog
04:37pm jurassic beat eddie angel Guitar Party No Hit Prog
04:40pm Another Cycle in Detroit the vice barons Arrowheads! screaming apple Prog
04:42pm jack the sex tripper los plantronics columbian necktie big dipper Prog
04:48pm Stampede The Rough Riders 45 hanover Prog
04:51pm Blowing Rock The Jury 45 Play Me Prog
04:51pm Blue Skies The Biscaines 45 Felsted Prog
04:54pm Baracuda Jim Doval 45 dot Prog
05:04pm mirananda the treble spankers araban polydor Prog
05:05pm Margaya los perloras los perloras self-released Prog
05:07pm black boots and bikes krontjong devils Trailin' vol 2 knobbler Prog
05:10pm jungle stomp Four Playboys shake um up rock ace Prog
05:13pm valley of the mono-apes The Waistcoats valley of the mono-apes ep alopecia Prog
05:16pm Tema de los Temerarios los temerarios Exidos A Go-go: teenbeat south of the border aip Prog
05:18pm Telestar '65 los shains 45 odeon Prog
05:21pm Twilight Zone the ventures ventures in space dolton Prog
05:23pm Paiva the raulis the raulis self-released Prog
05:30pm Bananas Con Platano The Beyonders The Beyonders self-released Prog
05:33pm Highway 375 blackball bandits confrontation on the extraterrestrial highway self-released Prog
05:34pm bilderberg boogie captain ahab & the sea cracken captain ahab & the sea crackens family fun recordings Prog
05:41pm Coated in oil Monsters form mars play some surf guitar self-released Prog
05:42pm full metal bonnet the beyonderers Fourht Wave self-released Prog
05:44pm The Saskatoon Stomp the heatscores Surf & Destroy volume 2 self-released Prog
05:45pm cuida vaca estrume'n'tal neander'n'tal golly gee Prog
05:48pm Tyger Beat the ramblin' ambassadors ramble on Mint Prog
05:52pm waikiki curl the ok kings it's ok self-released Prog
05:52pm showdown the all-nighters dance til' dawn self-released Prog
05:54pm In this corner Clive Herman 45 Capco Prog
05:55pm Corrido Rock "handsome" jim balcom 45 Starla Prog
05:57pm Rolling Wheels the runabouts 45 Columbia Prog

Playlist Artists:
 "handsome" jim balcom
 Clive Herman
 Four Playboys
 Jim Doval
 Monsters form mars
 Surfin' Trash Hero y los Sick Doctors
 The Belmont Playboys
 The Beyonders
 The Biscaines
 The Crescent Six
 The Jury
 The Mark 4's
 The Omegas
 The Rough Riders
 The Waistcoats
 big surf
 blackball bandits
 calvin cool and the surf-knobs
 captain ahab & the sea cracken
 eddie angel
 fantastic 3
 krontjong devils
 los perloras
 los plantronics
 los shains
 los temerarios
 meshugga beach party
 mickey baker
 the all-nighters
 the beyonderers
 the camelots
 the heatscores
 the ok kings
 the ramblin' ambassadors
 the raulis
 the runabouts
 the starfires
 the treble spankers
 the ventures
 the vice barons

Playlist Labels:
 No Hit
 Play Me
 big dipper
 crc charter
 deep south
 family fun recordings
 golly gee
 screaming apple