Playlist info for: 'DJ crex', 06-25-2009, on wtul

Playlist for DJ crex, 06-25-2009 @ wtul at radioactivity.fm

DJ name: DJ crex
Last seen: Feb. 13, 2013 @ 12:50 am
DJ Playlists: Click for this DJ's playlists
Time Title Artist Album Label Genre
01:00am the saddest day converge Petitoning the Empty Sky Punk
01:15am prizzy prizzy please Punk
01:22am A hunger ARtist
01:24am Oh Well Manneuquin Warps Your Head Robotic empire Punk
01:31am get alife no motiv Diagram for Healing Vagrant Records Punk
01:32am life goes on no motiv daylight breaking Vagrant Records Punk
01:34am el bandito form of rocket lumber some Punk
01:39am cosmic gypsy albatross blessphemy , Punk
01:40am this is where we blaze the nugz caddywhompus ep self Punk
01:53am blue lambency downward kayo dot blue lambency hydra head Punk
02:08am Call to the Comptroller's Office Bridge and Tunnel Punk
02:09am on est un con amanda woodward la decadance est la decadane Punk
02:14am disease haram haram lovitt Punk
02:14am thirsty like water thirsty catalyst marianas trench + 9 robotic empire Punk
02:32am anarchy burger vandals Punk
02:33am school of assassins antiflag Punk
02:36am 23 reasons to play grindcore bucket full of teeth III Punk
02:36am machine revisited pg 99 document #13 robotic empire Punk
02:36am bullet to binary 2 mewithoutyou it's all crazy, it's all false Punk
02:39am bullet to binary mewithoutYou a>B life Punk
02:46am drinking from the necks of the ones you love These arms are snakes this is meant to hurt you Jade tree Punk
02:51am set and forgotten december drive handslikegunsandcrashingsounds self Punk
02:51am enough december drive handslikegunsandcrashingsounds self Punk
03:11am cattle gaza east Punk
03:11am the long gracious fall consider the source fire alarms Punk
03:11am save you hot rod circuit reality's coming through Punk
03:13am dr. watcher apes ghost games Punk
03:19am jennifer blood brothers This Adultery Is Ripe Punk
03:20am Scientist Girl the north atlantic Wire In The Walls we put out Punk
03:29am If you were once young, rage panthers Things Are Strange Troubleman Unlimited Punk
03:37am we ride to fight Planesmistakenforstars spearheading the sin movement no idea Punk
03:38am Send Bombs pygmy lush bitter river robotic empire Punk
03:39am night of the creeps recover this may be the year i disappear Punk
03:53am new noise refused the shape of punk to come Epitaph Punk

Playlist Artists:
 A hunger ARtist
 Bridge and Tunnel
 These arms are snakes
 amanda woodward
 blood brothers
 bucket full of teeth
 consider the source
 december drive
 form of rocket
 hot rod circuit
 kayo dot
 no motiv
 pg 99
 prizzy prizzy please
 pygmy lush
 the north atlantic

Playlist Labels:
 Jade tree
 Robotic empire
 Troubleman Unlimited
 Vagrant Records
 hydra head
 no idea
 robotic empire
 we put out