Playlist info for: 'DJ feverdream', 04-25-2015, on wtul

Playlist for DJ feverdream, 04-25-2015 @ wtul at radioactivity.fm

DJ name: DJ feverdream
Last seen: Feb. 01, 2022 @ 4:58 pm
DJ Playlists: Click for this DJ's playlists
Time Title Artist Album Label Genre
10:00am when they really get to know you they will run pedro the lion it's hard to find a friend made in mexico Prog
10:05am hero superchunk the laughter guns ep merge Alt Oldie
10:08am modest mouse four fingered fisherman sad sappy sucker glacial pace Prog
10:12am coming up roses elliott smith s/t kill rock stars Prog
10:13am a whole new shape happyness weird little birthday bar/none Prog
10:17am i want to grow up colleen green i want to grow up hardly art Prog
10:18am into the woods silkworm in the west c/z records Prog
10:22am obstacle 1 interpol turn on the bright lights matador Prog
10:25am the plan built to spill keep it like a secret warner bros Alt Oldie
10:38am major leagues pavement major leagues matador Prog
10:40am baby devendra banhart what we will be warner bros Prog
10:42am mr noah panda bear mr noah ep domino Prog
10:43am the party line belle & sebastian girls in peacetime want to dance matador Prog
10:47am gemini (birthday song) why? elephant eyelash anticon Prog
10:53am voyeur baths ocean death anticon Prog
10:56am jesus called bent denim romances you s/r Local
11:04am chicago x 12 rogue wave asleep at heaven's gate brush fire Prog
11:08am 100 dean blunt black metal rough trade Prog
11:11am my number tegan and sara this business of art sire Prog
11:15am carry me ohio sun kil moon ghosts of the great highway jetset Prog
11:23am eden iron and wine archive series vol no 1 black cricket Prog
11:24am stuck caddywhompus feathering a nest community records Local
11:26am better in heather grey new lands i've felt all i'm ever going to feel Community Records Local
11:30am 10,000 fireflies superchunk incidental music 1991-95 merge Prog
11:35am happy homes benjamin booker live @ third man records third man records Local
11:36am albatross fleetwood mac the pious bird of good omen blue horizon Alt Oldie
11:41am sarah alex g trick orchid tapes Prog
11:43am harnessed in slums archers of loaf vee vee merge Prog
11:47am lake michigan rogue wave Asleep At Heaven's Gate bushfire Prog
11:52am wrapped in piano strings radical face ghost morr music Prog
11:57am cake mexico prolonging the magic zomba Prog
11:58am wedding cake damien jurado waters ave. s sub pop Prog

Playlist Artists:
 alex g
 archers of loaf
 belle & sebastian
 benjamin booker
 bent denim
 built to spill
 colleen green
 damien jurado
 dean blunt
 devendra banhart
 elliott smith
 fleetwood mac
 four fingered fisherman
 iron and wine
 new lands
 panda bear
 pedro the lion
 radical face
 rogue wave
 sun kil moon
 tegan and sara

Playlist Labels:
 Community Records
 black cricket
 blue horizon
 brush fire
 c/z records
 community records
 glacial pace
 hardly art
 kill rock stars
 made in mexico
 morr music
 orchid tapes
 rough trade
 sub pop
 third man records
 warner bros